
Independent Study Ⅲ 留

This class is about learning of risk and failure,and growing from it. It is about learning to forge your ideas into workable business concepts, commit them to paper and virtual space(podcast), and flesh them out into a reasonable form that can be tested to see if it could stand up to the demands of the market. The students must write at a top level, argue the potential of their ideas, and convince people like bankers, angels, and start-up fund managers that their ideas are worth being born in the marketplace.

I am often asked what are my expectations of my students and does it reflect my grading policy? I need not emphasize that entrepreneurship by its very nature is ambiguous and most students have difficulty dealing with it.
Strong emphasis is placed on the development of a real world, workable, uploadable APP(iOS or Android-based) or edited video or audio or written BUSINESS PLAN or PROJECT proposal that applies the proper methods, techniques and skills needed for successfully developing and growing a new venture.

An alternative is to TA(teaching assistant) for my Introduction to marketing, in English class in both Spring and Fall semesters. The number of students are a maximum of 150 students per semester and your duties will entail handing out attendence sheets, grading and scoring the weekly assignments, creating and collating weekly quizes and uploading a final examination. As TA, you are also responsible in personally lecture or team-teach one class during the semester.

While some theory will be explored, the major thrust of this course will be to insure that the primary product of the course- social media applied site of your choice,Podcast site, YouTube upload of said project, etc. Hopefully, along with other assignments,have real world application. Colaboration is possible among your STEP colleagues and with native Japanese seminar undergraduates. See below for a selection of examples of what is expected by your instructor.

Information literacy as related to utilization of Google Translate's algorithem in a real-world classroom together with a large class of native Japanese students. Drafting quizes, assignments and practice exams will also encompass your duties. In other words, interactive "active learning." 
This class is about learning of risk and failure,and growing from it. It is about learning to forge your ideas into workable business concepts, commit them to paper and virtual space(podcast), and flesh them out into a reasonable form that can be tested to see if it could stand up to the demands of the market. The students must write at a top level, argue the potential of their ideas, and convince people like bankers, angels, and start-up fund managers that their ideas are worth being born in the marketplace.

I am often asked what are my expectations of my students and does it reflect my grading policy? I need not emphasize that entrepreneurship by its very nature is ambiguous and most students have difficulty dealing with it. May I add that past projects speak louder than my words so these were what I consider EXCELLENT student projects and or business plans uploaded as follows:

There are no exams in this course. The course requires an individual or if you choose, a group project. Individual or teams of no more than three students (a partnership, hopefully,that brings a variety of strengths to the union,not just friendships) a major, business podcast or business plan will be prepared, for an ACTUAL, real business, hopefully with societal benefits. This is the backbone of the course, around which all other activities revolve.

If you are looking for a class where the Prof. will HOLD YOUR HAND and guide you through the reading of a textbook, and give you lots of tests, drop now. This course is about self-reliance and being responsible for your own actions and results. It is about resourcefulness, not expecting the Prof. to give you ''the truth'' and ''the answer'' on a silver platter.

There is no ''truth'' in entrepreneurship! There is no easy answer or road map that will show you how to do it in the future. There are no formulas and textbook answers in entrepreneurship. There is only trying, failing, learning, and doing it again. So, if you are not adventuresome, resourceful, excited about taking a managed risk and potentially failing, and if you aren't willing to explore new aspects about yourself and your abilities, to learn to believe in yourself and control your own destiny, then drop now, this course is not for you!!!!!

On the other hand, STEP students in this course in collaboration with Japanese seminar students competed and were finalists in the Hiroshima Bank Business Plan Contest. (not required but encouraged in this class)
Not applicable.
Exams not done during regular exam period. 
Grades will be evaluated by
1) participation and attendance
2) presentation on the inter-cultural implications of your particular project, podcast, or business plan
3) final assessment by myself judging if each student's objectives were met in this class and whether or not the student was successful in reaching his/her goals. 