教員名 : R.A. フォレスト
Japan and the Environment b 留
R.A. フォレスト
This course provides an overview of the multifaceted topic of Japan and the environment.
It first examines Japan's natural environmental setting and the ways that this influenced traditional Japanese culture. It then explores the key environment-related issues, incidents and controversies in Japan's history, including how Japan's economy has had impacts internationally. Participants will gain an understanding of how environmental issues have been perceived and addressed in Japan throughout its history and during the present day. As a result, understanding Japan's historical and contemporary challenges with environmental sustainability will provide insights useful to understanding Japanese culture, society and economy more broadly. 到達目標と卒業認定・学位授与の方針との関連
Because a key component of this course is student involvement in discussions and presentations, another objective is to improve students' academic skills, including communication and presentation skills.
Information literacy and analytical skills are also to be developed, through working with diverse types of informational sources and logically assessing and synthesizing their content in order to communicate a clear and effective presentation. 授業計画
1. Introduction to the Topic and Overview of the Course
2. Japan's Natural Environment (Geography, Climate, Ecosystems, Biodiversity, etc.) 3. The Influences of Japan's Environment on Traditional Culture (Material Culture, Arts, Livelihoods, etc.) 4. Westernization, Industrialization and its Impacts 5. Post-War Growth and Changes to the Landscape (Management and alteration of Forests, Rivers, Wetlands, etc.) 6. Post-War Tragic Experiences with Pollution (The "Big Four" Pollution Cases) 7. Resources and Conservation (The Oil Shock, Energy Efficiency Efforts, etc.) 8. Domestic and International Wildlife Issues (Fishing / Whaling, Human-Wildlife Conflicts, etc.) 9. Modern-Day Environmental Policy-making and Government-Citizen/NPO Interactions 10. Japan's Global Linkages and Roles (Trade / ODA, etc.) 11. Japan and the Nuclear Issue (Hiroshima/Nagasaki, Fukushima, opposition to nuclear power plants, etc.) 12. Japan and the Climate Issue (including the Kyoto Protocol and governmental, corporate and citizen efforts) 13. Student Presentations & Discussions 14. Student Presentations & Discussions 15. Conclusion: What can be Learned from the Lessons of Japan's Experience? 関連科目
Students will be required to read the assigned materials before the next class meeting, and to be prepared for in-class discussions of the scheduled topic. The time required for this preparation will be at least 60 minutes.
Faculty will provide various handouts as assigned readings.
Exams not done during regular exam period.
Grades will be determined as follows:
10% — Attendance 30% — Preparation for and active engagement in class discussion 30% — Research Paper 30% — Presentation 実務経験と授業との関連
As participation in class discussions comprises a major part of the coursework, class attendance is required.
Note: Japanese students interested in taking the course are expected to have the equivalent of the following English proficiency: TOEIC 700 or over; TOEFL 500 or over (paper-based). |