
Japanese Law & Society Ⅰ 留

This course is offered to students who are interested in Japan and for those who would like to gain a general understanding of the present characteristics of Japanese society and the law related to the "public law" field. It will be a combination of lecture and discussion. The first half will be comprised of lectures and student presentations on assigned readings. The second half will require students to form groups and to search for current legal issues of their particular "public law" interests to present in class. This course will also require each student to submit a short paper on the topic presented in class.
The objective of this course is to learn about the Japanese society and the law.  Emphasis will be given to topics related to the public law field such as constitutional law, criminal law, immigration law, and other current legal issues.
Since this course will be comprised of lectures, student presentations and discussions,  other objectives include the improvement of  the student's communication and presentation skills as well as to improve the student's skills in group work.
A detailed outline of the course schedule and readings will be distributed to the students on the first day of class. Previous classes have covered the following topics:

1) Introduction to Japanese Society and the Rule of Law;
2) The Japanese Constitution and the Government;
3) The Japanese Emperor and the Law;
4) The Japanese Court System;
5) Criminal Law and Law Enforcement Institutions;
6) The Constitution and the International Environment;
7) Immigration Law and International Students;
8) Constitutional Litigation (Case Law 1-Equality);
9) Constitutional Litigation (Case Law 2-Health & Welfare);
10) Public law topics presented by students (1);
11) Public law topics presented by students (2);
12) Public law topics presented by students (3);
13) Possible visit to law-related facilities (1-Local Police Department);
14) Possible visit to law-related facilities (2-Local Court House);
15) Final discussion on Japanese Law and Society.
Japanese Law & Society II
Students will be required to read the assigned materials each week (2 hours of readings outside of class-homework) and be prepared for in-class discussion of the scheduled topic.
Text and material will be distributed to students on the first day of class.
1) M. Dean, ed., JAPANESE SYSTEM: TEXT AND MATERIALS (Canvenish Publishing Lt., 1997);
2) G. Harada, T. Ogawa, eds., THE CHANGING JAPANESE SOCIETY AND THE LAW (Hiroshima Univ. of Economics, Institute of Regional Economy Press, 2000);
3) M. West, LAW IN EVERYDAY JAPAN (Univ. of Chicago Press, 2005);
C. Milhaupt, M. Ramseyer, M. West, eds., THE JAPANESE LEGAL SYSTEM (Foundation Press, 2006);
4) D. Foote, ed., LAW IN JAPAN (Univ. of Washington Press, 2007);
5) G. Harada, "Constitutional Perspectives on Changes Occurring in Contemporary Japanese Society (1), in HIROSHIMA KEIZAI DAIGAKU SORITSU GOJU'SHUNEN KINEN RONBUNSHU (GE KAN) (2017).
6) G. Harada, "Constitutional Perspecdtives on Changes Occurring in Comtemporary Japanese Society (2), in HIROSHIMA KEIZAI DAIGAKU KENKYU RONSHU (2021).
Exams not done during regular exam period.
Course grades will be evaluated by: 1) attendance/participation in discussions (30%); 2) presentations (40%); 3) final paper (30%).
Evaluations on the presentations will be given at the end of each session.

*Any student that misses a third of the classes (5) will be given a "0" for attendance and will not be allowed to submit the final paper.
Japanese students interested in taking the course must have the equivalent of the following English proficiency:
TOEIC 700+;
TOEFL 500+ (paper-based).