教員名 : G.R.ハラダ
Study on International Issues and Challenges a 留
Independent Research on UN SDGs
This course is required for those attending from the NIBES partner institutions. It will focus on the study of global issues and challenges that we face in each of our countries. The first half will focus on group work to discuss and become familiar with the issues and challenges faced by each country. The second half will require each student to independently research and present a concrete topic within one's field of study focusing on one of the 17 UN SDGs to promote discussion and/or present new knowledge and perspectives in his/her field of study.
The learning outcomes of this course will be as follows:
1) Understanding the UN SDGs and being able to communicate their significance; 2) Being able to do basic research and able to present the results effectively; 3) Developing communication and leadership skills. 授業計画
Course content will be as follows:
1) Ice-breaking and introduction to the contents of the course; 2) Introduction to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and discussion pertaining to the significance of "global-orientation "; 3) Break out into groups (according to field of study) and decide on topics for discussion; 4) Group discussion of topics chosen; 5) Group presentation of topics discussed; 6) Discussion on how to write a research paper, and choosing an independent research topic; 7) Collecting material for research (also requires research outside of class); 8) Completing and submitting an outline and short summary of initial research done on topic (mid-term oral exam) (1); 9) Completing and submitting an outline and short summary of initial research done on topic (mid-term oral exam) (2); 10) Student's independent research on topic & advising (1); 11) Student's independent research on topic & advising (2); 12) Student's independent research on topic & advising (3); 13) Final PPT presentation (10 minutes each) on research done (1-9); 14) Final PPT presentation (10 minutes each) on research done (10-18); 15) Final PPT presentation (10 minutes each) on research done (19-27). 関連科目
In this course, students will be required to do independent research (approx. 2-4 hours a week): literature review, document review, surveys, data analysis, etc.,... Therefore, students should be prepared to be on a strict time schedule to meet deadlines for presentations and final research paper.
Handouts and material needed for discussion will be distributed to students during class.
See, UN Sustainable Development Goals website.
Exams not done during regular exam period.
The following scores will be used to evaluate grades for each student:
1) Participation/Discussion: 10% 2) Homework/Assignments: 20% 3) Mid-term Oral Exam (presentation of short summary of research topic): 10% 4) Final PPT Presentation (5 slides): 20% 5) 10-page Research Paper: 40% 実務経験と授業との関連
Any student that misses a third of the classes (5) will not be allowed to give the final presentation and will not be able to submit the final paper.