As computing technology and applications have developed, the respective roles of and relationship between computers, teachers and learners in the area of foreign language studies have become prominent issues for those concerned with creating effective educational environments. How should Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) systems be incorporated into the broader curriculum? What is the teacher’s role, or as we describe it, the Human Assisted Language Learning (HALL) role, in these computer-present environments? And what requirements are placed on the learner to ensure that learner outcomes are favorable? Our study considers these questions in the context of the introduction of CALL at Hiroshima University of Economics (HUE).It was determined that a connection between CALL and student self-directed learning behavior had to be made. Therefore, the authors of this study undertook the implementation and evaluation of several intervention strategies that could lead to an increase in self-directed learning behavior, and raise motivation levels in regard to the study of English.